"This club was mainly founded because I wanted to play games and meet others who play the same games. It turns out that running a club just adds extra steps to playing games, but as long as people are having fun, it's alright."

Joshua Jarman
The Babylon Bee stan
Josh is a 2nd Year Computing Science student. As President, he oversees executive meetings and manages events with the help of the other execs. He's responsible for the overall direction of the club and does his best to ensure the executives hit the goals they've set for themselves.
Favourite Games: Stardew Valley, Minecraft, Super Smash Bros, The Riddle School Series

VP Secretary
Spencer Strong
The awkward guy of the group
Spencer is in his 4th year of his Animal Science degree. As VP Secretary, he handles the club's record keeping for events, volunteers, etc. He also sets up executive meeting and helps with miscellaneous tasks.
Favourite Games: Civilization, Starcraft, Paradox Games, Total War, Age of Empires, and Halo

VP Finance
Kane Smith
Looks like iDubzzz apparently when he doesn't have a beard
Kane is a 4th year student in both Accounting & Finance. As VP Finance, he's responsible for managing the club’s finances, budget and fundraising initiatives. He also provides the spiciest emotes for the club's Discord server.
Favourite Games: Civilization, Path of Exile, Minecraft, Danganronpa, TFT/League of Legends

VP External
Megan Diep
Has the cat*
Megan is in her 4th year of her Nutrition & Food Science degree. As VP External, she's in charge of promoting the club to the UAlberta community and preparing the club's events. She also runs the club's social media accounts.
Favourite Games: Assassins Creed Odyssey, Persona 5, Valorant
*check out our IG for pics of Tigger, her cat and our unofficial club mascot :)
VP Internal
Malek Doughan
Makes sure y'all don't kill each other
Malek is a 4th year student in Psychology. As VP Internal, he manages club memberships, including handling membership in the club's Discord server. He also deals with the little conflict among club members.
Favourite Games: Hollow Knight, Valorant, R6S, A Plague Tale: Innocence

VP Design
Helen Aquino
Not a hardcore gamer but is here to support her friends
Helen is a 3rd year student in a Computing Science Specialization degree. She's in charge of the club's visual identity, as she's the one to blame thank for the club's logo and website. She works with the VP External to create both printed and online promotional content for club events.
Favourite Games: Pokemon (Gen. 4/5), Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, osu!, Project Diva, any anime dating sim lol